The Long Death Of CGI.Pm

Refer From : has been removed from the core Perl distribution. From 5.22, it is no longer included in a standard Perl installation. There are good technical reasons for this. CGI is a dying technology. In 2015, there are far better ways to write web applications in Perl. We don’t want to be seen [...]

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Perl Platform as a Service Shootout

Perl Platform as a Service talk at YAPC::NA [...]

Perl – Template Tool Kit

The Template Toolkit is a template processing system used to create Data Output Files. It is a open source software and runs on all modern stable operating systems. it's [...]

Return all monday between two dates – using Oracle sql

Return all Monday between two dates – using Oracle sql Query select to_date (’2012-12-30′, ‘yyyy-mm-dd’) + (level – 1) as Date from dual where [...]

EXT.MessageBox Samples

Generating different styles of message boxes // Basic alert Ext.MessageBox.alert(‘Status’, ‘Changes saved successfully.’); // Show a dialog using config [...]

Logical Defined-Or in Perl

// It’s exactly the same as ||, except that it tests the left hand side’s definiteness instead of its truth. Thus, EXPR1 // EXPR2 returns the value of EXPR1 if it’s [...]

Finding html tag

Table Expression        =>    “<table[^>]*>(.*?)” Header Expression     =>    “ <th[^>]*>(.*?)” Row Expression          [...]

Sort-command alphanumeric

Sort-command alphanumeric If they all actually begin with "page$" echo "page$1 page$20 page$2 page$10" | sort -k1.5n Answer : page$1 page$2 page$10 page$20 sort [...]

The caller() function and $wantarray

The argument of interest is the $wantarray argument. This indicates what return value is expected of the subroutine from where it was called. The subroutine could have been [...]

Using the caller() Function in Subroutines

The caller() function can be used in a subroutine to find out information about where the subroutine was called from and how it was called. Caller takes one argument that [...]

Implied Arguments in perl

When calling a subroutine with the "&" sigil prefix and no parenthesis, the current @_ array gets implicitely passed to the subroutine being called. This can cause subtly [...]